Clean-Up Crete’s Dirtiest Beach

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at a glance

As the next destination of our program, the pristine island of Crete awaits our dedicated team. While Crete boasts some of the Mediterranean's most breathtaking beaches, just outside Sitia lies a sandy shore that starkly contrasts the island's heavenly beauty. The young volunteers of Beach Cleaning, backed by Dixan's “Clean in Depth" program, confronted one of Greece's most littered beaches.

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Environmental Action through Powerful Imagery

In this challenging clean-up mission, our team witnessed the shocking sight of tons of trash strewn across the beach. The appalling images we captured showcase the harsh reality of the environmental crisis we face. Through our lens, we aim to raise awareness and inspire action towards preserving the natural wonders of Crete and beyond.

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Uniting for a Plastic-Free Future

Together, let's work towards a future where pristine shores reclaim their splendor and plastic pollution becomes a thing of the past. The young activists envision to thoroughly clean the Greek seas and every day they plan new actions all over Greece.

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