Teaching Axios Children How to Keep the Delta Clean

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at a glance

Children instinctively understand the significance of preserving our planet, not only because it is their inheritance, but also because it is the right thing to do. Through leading sustainability programs, like "Clean in Depth, Clean to the Source” by Dixan, they receive the necessary support to translate their care for the Earth into impactful action. One of the significant highlights of Dixan’s sustainability program, created by Danezis Stories, was the Axios Delta. Amidst wildlife and fishing activities in the Axios - Aliakmonas Delta National Park, plastic barrels, bottles, and bags were found.

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Empowering Change through Innovative Strategies

At Danezis Stories, we take immense pride in creating the innovative program, "Clean in Depth, Clean to the Source". We have designed and implemented comprehensive communications strategies, forged valuable partnerships, organized impactful actions, and effectively promoted our client's tireless efforts towards a cleaner world.

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Inspiring a Sustainable Future

Through our compelling messages and captivating imagery, we have strived to raise awareness and inspire collective action for a more sustainable future. The young activists envision to thoroughly clean the Greek seas and every day they plan new actions all over Greece.

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