Dive with Dixan in the Corsairs’ Lair

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at a glance

A few months ago, as we meticulously planned and organized the 2022 actions for Henkel Hellas and Dixan's sustainability program, "Clean in Depth, Clean to the Source”, we sought out volunteers who possessed a genuine passion for the environment and were determined to make a difference. Today, we are thrilled to witness the collaboration between Samos Divers, one of the most prominent and proactive volunteer groups in the North-East Aegean, and the visionary Henkel Hellas with the values upheld by Dixan. Together, we embark on a shared mission for a cleaner world. The awe-inspiring imagery captured during the underwater and coastal cleanups in the hidden haunts of corsairs truly narrates a remarkable story...

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Driving Sustainable Development

Since 2020, Dixan's sustainability programs have served as crucial milestones in Henkel's journey towards sustainable development. These initiatives highlight the significance of collaboration among local authorities, voluntary groups, schools, and environmental organizations in achieving meaningful outcomes for society and the planet.

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